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How To Prepare For Demo Day

It's finally here, the day you’ve been waiting for: Demo Day!

Your dreams are about to become your reality. Congrats on all your hard work.

Your preparation depends on which room you are remodeling: kitchen, bath, bedroom, living, garage etc. Each room serves a different purpose so preparing for your demo really depends on that & your current circumstances.

Will you be living in the home during the remodel?

Do you have children and pets?

Safety first! If you have children, you will need to take precautions in regards to equipment and tools that may be laying around. If you have pets (esp. cats) I recommend you keep them away from the noise and demo area. Relocating a cat is not so simple but if your cat is like mine, super sensitive to noise and strangers, then you have a bit more planning to do.

Let's get right into it.

Which Room is being Demolished?

Regardless of which room you are getting ready to Demo you will need:

Be Safe! Homes have gas, electric, water, fire sprinklers, asbestos, mold etc so consult a professional

Take Before and After pics & videos

Empty out the room & remove valuables

Cover or seal off areas especially air ducts to keep the dust out from other parts of your home

If you are actively using that room, make accommodations elsewhere

Be prepared for noise

Have a plan to haul away the garbage or get a dumpster

Check with your city for any required permits

Demo day is so exciting! You will watch an old space disappear and make room for something new and fabulous.

Delight in the Details


-Mano AThe Beach



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